4 Juli 2017 Marathonloper na 7 jaar klaar voor zijn come-back!
Emmanuel, een marathonloper uit Kenia kwam begin juli 2017 omdat hij veel blessures had en niet (voldoende) herstelde na trainingen waardoor zijn algehele conditie behoorlijk achteruit was gegaan. Ik vond onder andere heel veel afvalstoffen, schimmels, een virus, en voedingsallergieën waardoor zijn lichaam extreem verzuurd was geraakt en de afvalstoffen niet meer voldoende kon afvoeren. Het dieet en de behandeling hadden een behoorlijke impact qua ontgiftingsreacties (ernstige vermoeidheid, algehele malaise, zelfs koorts) maar dat duurde gelukkig niet lang waarna het herstel en het terugkrijgen van zijn conditie zeer snel ging. Binnen 6 weken was hij weer volop in training en na 3 maanden had hij zijn niveau van 7 jaar daarvoor weer bereikt, klaar voor zijn come-back!
22 juli 2017
Bericht van Emmanuel na de 1e behandeling (nierfunctie/verzuring aangepakt en streng op dieet!)
Hi Lucia,
I hope you are doing well and all is good in your holiday. Last time we agreed that I update you how my training is going on. Sorry for my late update but here is how my training has been going on.
Week 1; Monday 14km run , Tuesday 14km run, Thursday 15km run, Sunday 16km run. Total 59km
Week 2; Monday morning 16km run, Afternoon 15km run, Tuesday morning 26km run,
Thursday morning 25km run, Friday Morning 19km run, Afternoon 11km run,
Saturday morning 21km run. Total 133km
Week 3; Monday morning 22km run, Afternoon 9km run, Tuesday morning 22km run
Thursday morning 21km run, Afternoon 9km run, Friday morning 22km run, Saturday 40km run, Sunday 10km run. Total 155km
That is how my progression has been going on with training. On the fourth week I am hope to mix up the intervals with my runs to improve my performance fast. I am happy already because I have reached the required miles/km per week for marathon training. It motivates me again. The feeling I have during running everyday is good, it is good in search away that I can handle the heavy work load that is why I am deciding to put much more effort or load of intervals. My energy feels stable.
22 augustus 2017
Bericht na de 2e behandeling ( verzuring, schimmels, virus en afvalstoffen)
Dear Lucia,
I hope you enjoyed your holiday. I am doing good and all is good. Training is going on well and now able to train maximum of 180km per week including interval training which comes 2 times a week. I am satisfied the way it is going. My knee is getting better and there is no fear on my leg any more, noticing that it can handle workload of 180km per week. Thank you for your help and I really appreciate it.
16 oktober 2017
3e behandeling afgezegd omdat het zo goed ging, bericht ter evaluatie:
Hi Lucia,
How are you Lucia? I am doing good and all is well. I am so grateful to tell you that training is going on well. I have seen how I am reducing weight and how I am improving with training and it is quite encouraging and motivational. At the moment I can run during training for 30 km in 1 hour 45 mins something that I did 7 years ago and it feels my come back is near as 1 min to go. I am starting to enjoy training and excited of how things are going. In track (interval speed session) I can do 1000 meters on average of 3:00 mins for 10 times which is good on high altitude of 2100 meters above sea level.
Above all you are the one who has helped me and you have made me realized that your treatment pays. Thank you very much and God bless you. There is nothing i can give it back to you for your help but only say Thank you and may God bless the work of your hands.
All the best regards.